Individualized Coaching
An individualized coaching plan includes a weekly training plan customized to the needs of each individual athlete. Training plans include specific intervals for swim workouts, power/heart rate zones for cycling workouts, pace/heart rate zones for run workouts, and an all encompassing strength training program which includes flexibility, balance and core work. Communication is key throughout any endurance training plan, and feedback on workouts is used to help construct upcoming training blocks. In addition to continuous feedback, it's of the utmost importance to meet with your coach monthly to discuss training, race strategies, and balancing the life. L3 Endurance offers several group training opportunities weekly, and athletes who have individualized plans are always welcome at those workouts.
Training Plans
L3 Endurance understands that some people are just looking for some guidance and are not interested in a full time coach. And for those athletes we have created a variety of training plans depending upon the distance race you're looking to tackle. Training Plans will be uploaded for you via Training Peaks. L3 Endurance offers training plans for the following distances:
Sprint/Olympic Triathlon (Beginner thru Advanced)
Half Ironman Distance Triathlon (Beginner thru Advanced)
Full Ironman Distance Triathlon (Beginner thru Advanced)
5k & 10k
Half Marathon
Full Marathon
Gravel Rides
Gravel Triathlon

Group Training Opportunities
Endurance sports are individual endeavors, but that doesn't mean we always have to train alone! L3 Endurance offers several group training opportunities each week to help keep things fun, as well as to bring that social aspect to training. L3 Endurance includes coached track workouts, group rides, and a coached open water swim when weather permitting. These group training opportunities are open to anyone who has an individualized coaching plan, or has purchased a training plan.

Training Camps
L3 Endurance offers various training camps throughout the season. Why attend a training camp? Simple, leave the stress of everyday life at home and get a small taste of what it would be like to be a professional triathlete. Training camps can help to increase your fitness, familiarize yourself with terrain of races you may be competing in, learn from some of the best in the area, and most of all they are a ton of fun!!